Over 80 collective years of
environmental and land use issues

Attorneys For Land Development And Environmental Issues

The regulatory hurdles and other complex issues faced by property developers in New Jersey have never been more imposing. Today, it is absolutely essential to take environmental laws into account when buying real estate and planning land use initiatives. Van Dalen Brower LLC is a premier resource for counsel and representation in this highly specialized area of law.

Whether your concerns involve a single-family home, larger residential development, shopping center, office park, industrial complex, solar energy farm or golf course, the attorneys at our firm are exceptionally equipped to provide counsel and representation aligned with your specific goals.

Former Regulatory Agency Leaders With The Knowledge You Need

Our prior experience in leadership positions with key state government agencies is a critical asset for many clients. We are prepared to assist you with applications and permitting as well as other administrative proceedings, litigation and appeals if necessary. We have in-depth knowledge of:

  • Issues related to past contamination, wetlands buffers, stream corridors, riparian zones, storm water runoff regulations and sewer service availability
  • Concerns unique to coastal, wetlands and waterfront development, including compliance with the Coastal Area Facility Review Act (CAFRA) and various other laws and rules

Strategic, Upfront Counsel Backed By Strength In Litigation And Appeals

We have helped many developers, business owners, individual property owners and government entities accomplish their goals – always in full view of their time constraints, financial objectives and overall best interests. Our legal team will collaborate as needed and call upon the optimal expert resources to overcome your land development environmental issues.

Call Us To Set Up A Free Initial Consultation

We are pro-development lawyers you can trust. Please contact us by email or call 609-503-7016 to speak with the attorney best equipped to address your specific needs and concerns.