Assistance For The Entire Environmental Assessment Process
Our firm is full service. We help our clients across New Jersey obtain development permits, approvals and certifications. We help them mount a defense against environmental penalties imposed by state and federal agencies. We represent their best interests for the duration of the development process, which often begins with a thorough environmental assessment of the land.
In New Jersey, vacant or unused land has often been previously used for some other purpose. Land availability is limited, and developers must go through approval processes that often involve several government agencies and regional commissions.
Our attorneys have extensive experience evaluating the viability of land for proposed projects for residential, commercial, industrial and energy-related developers.
Thorough Risk Assessment And Studies From Our Team
Our team provides a detailed assessment of properties in coordination with highly professional environmental scientists, engineers, land surveyors, land use planners and other experts as necessary. We will evaluate the usage of the property and surrounding area, looking for evidence of a former dumpsite, landfill, hazardous waste or materials, and effects to groundwater or the local water source.
Our pollution assessment and environmental impact studies include data collection on the site’s former operators and our clients’ intended operations as they would be affected by manmade and natural conditions on a site.
We will ensure that your project is in complete compliance, and we are prepared to protect your interests and rights in litigation through appeal at the highest levels of court.
We aim to mitigate costs and provide efficiencies at all possible opportunities while providing the highest degree of dedicated legal counsel available.
Contact A Team Of Knowledgeable Attorneys Today
Please email or call our New Jersey environmental assessment lawyers at 609-503-7016 or toll-free at 866-640-3271 to speak with one of our lawyers about a consultation or case evaluation. We respond promptly and can discuss your case over the phone, in our office or on site.